Bill Tracking
Pending Legislation
SB-17 Senior Housing (Caballero)
Summary: SB-17 states the intent of the legislature to create opportunities for the development of senior housing.
Status: In committee process
ACA-1 Local Government Financing: Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure (Aguiar-Curry, Berman, Haney)
Summary: ACA-1 would amend the constitution of the assembly by allowing local governments or special districts to levy a tax on real property that would exceed 1% of the property's value to service bond indebtedness incurred by funding affordable housing, public infrastrucure, or permanent supportive housing.
Status: Pending referral
Summary: SB-91 would indefinitely exempt from CEQA projects focused on converting buildings with existing C of O's (hotels, motels, hostels) into supportive or transitional housing. Current law only extends the exemption until Jan. 1 2025.
Status: In committee process
AB-11 Affordable California Commission (Jackson)
Summary: AB-11 would establish the Affordable California Commission to study the causes and effects of the rising cost of living in the state and the propose solutions.
Status: Pending referral
Recently-Passed Legislation
SB-6 Residential Development: Available Land (Caballero)
Summary: SB-6 eases the process of permitting affordable housing on commercial real estate.
AB-1551 Planning and Zoning: Development Bonuses: Mixed-Use Projects (Santiago)
Summary: AB 1551 awards commercial development projects with bonuses/incentives if the developer has entered into a housing partnership with an affordable housing developer.
SB-679 Los Angeles County: Affordable Housing (Kamlager)
Summary: AB 679 establishes the Los Angeles County Affordable Housing Solutions Agency. The agency will provide enhanced funding and technical assistance at the regional level for renter protections, affordable housing preservation and production.
AB-1695 Affordable Housing Loan and Grant Programs: Adaptive Reuse (Santiago)
Summary: AB 1695 allows adaptive reuse development projects looking to provide affordable housing be made eligible for public loans.
Summary: SB 886 exempts student housing projects on public universities from CEQA.
AB 2011 Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 (Wicks)
Summary: AB 2011 allows for the development of affordable housing in zones whose principal uses are for commercial and car parking. The projects classified in this bill will be exempt from CEQA. The bill goes into effect in July.
AB-2097 Residential, Commercial, or Other Development Types: Parking Requirements (Friedman)
Summary: AB 2097 eliminates parking requirements for development projects within a 1/2 mile of a major transit stop.
SB-682 Planning and Zoning: Density Bonuses: Shared Housing Buildings (Bloom)
Summary: SB 682 expands the state density bonus program to be applicable to shared housing projects.
Summary: AB 2334 requires 100% affordable housing projects set 20% of their units at an affordable level for low income families and the rest of the units be set at a defined rate.
AB-2492 Community Revitalization (Grayson)
Summary: AB-2492 grants density bonuses to factory built homes whose manufacturer meets certain labor requirements.
AB-2653 Planning and Zoning Law: Housing Elements (Santiago)
Summary: AB 2653 requires City/County planning agencies to include the number of new housing units produced, housing units demolished, and data from projects that received density bonuses in their annual reports.
AB-2234 Planning and Zoning: Housing: Postentitlement Phase Permits (Rivas)
Summary: AB 2234 sets timelines for planning agencies to act on post entitlement permit applications.
SB-591 Senior Citizens: Intergenerational Housing Developments (Becker)
Summary: SB 591 authorizes the establishment of an intergenerational housing development.
SB-1444 Joint Powers Authorities: South Bay Regional Housing Trust (Allen)
Summary: SB 1444 establishes the South Bay Regional Housing Trust, which can receive public and private funds to help finance affordable housing projects in the area.
SB-1177 Joint Powers Authorities: Cities of Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena (Portantino)
Summary: SB 1177 establishes the Glendale, Burbank, and Pasadena Joint Powers Authority, which can receive public and private funds to help finance affordable housing projects.